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The "Hamburg ESD check for municipalities" - an assessment by districts, municipalities and cities ESD is being integrated at the local level

The year 2020 marked the start of UNESCO's global program "Education for Sustainable Development: Realizing the Global Sustainable Development Goals" (ESD 2030). Cities and municipalities act as central stakeholders in the implementation of the SDGs. But how is it possible to determine whether a municipality is active in the field of education for sustainable development (ESD) or to what extent ESD has already been integrated? For this purpose, the City of Hamburg has developed a digital tool that enables a rough assessment. The tool offers those active in the field of ESD the opportunity to assess their own city or municipality on the basis of specific questions regarding the implementation of education for sustainable development.

The "Hamburg ESD Check for Municipalities" consists of five subject areas with a total of 20 questions. Each question needs to be rated on a scale from 0 to 4. A maximum of 80 points can be awarded in total. A high score means that the municipality has already implemented ESD to a large extent, while a low score indicates that there is still quite a lot to be done - in which areas this is the case is shown by the individual questions and the summary, which is shown at the end as the "profile" of the municipality.

For feedback or questions please contact

Jürgen Forkel-Schubert,
Ralf Behrens,

Scientific basics

Niedlich/Rietzke/Doneliene/Bormann 2021: Quick-Check-Instrument zur Selbstbewertung von Nachhaltigkeitsgovernance. Berlin/Hamburg.

1. Politics

ESD is seen by UNESCO as a driving force and an important tool for implementing sustainable development in cities. To what extent has your municipality established coherence between its own sustainability programs or its sustainability policy and ESD in relation to its local, national, regional and international activities?

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2. Structure and participation

In order to promote sustainability through education in towns and cities, certain structures must be set up and operated on a permanent basis. To what extent has this been achieved in your town/city?

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3. ESD quality

Towns and cities usually have no power to act autonomously in educational matters, but can often determine where they want to establish emphasis on ESD in the various educational areas. To what extent is this happening?

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4. Capacity building

Further training in the field of ESD should give, all people and institutions the opportunity to develop skills and abilities for a sustainable future.

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5. Collaborations

Exchanging views with other municipalities not only helps to determine one's own position, but can also bring new impetus from outside. To what extent is there cooperation in the field of ESD?

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