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German National Action Plan on ESD adopted

On 20 June 2017, the National Platform on ESD has adopted the National Action Plan for GAP implementation. It defines 130 objectives and 349 measures to scale up ESD in all areas and at all levels of the German education system.

Based on a two-year participatory multi-stakeholder process, collecting input from expert forums, partner networks and an online consultation for the general public, the action plan targets education plans and curricula as well as pre- and in-service training and education of educators and trainers in formal, non-formal and informal education. Furthermore, the plan focusses on strengthening ESD networks and good practice as well as whole-institution approaches to ESD.

Several people holding their hands together
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The National Platform on ESD brings together more than 40 high-level representatives of politics, science, industry and society. It is chaired by Dr. Jens Brandenburg, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Education and Research.

Besides the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the federal ministries for environmental affairs (BMUV), family affairs (BMFSFJ) and economic cooperation and development (BMZ) are taking part in the Platform, as are representatives of the 16 federal states, responsible for formal education and schooling.

All members of the National Platform serve as advocates of ESD – also within their own organizations and institutions. They have been called upon to propose commitments in order to support the implementation of the National Action Plan. Furthermore, Germany's big annual ESD conference, the "Agenda Congress", bringing together 500 stakeholders on 27/28 November 2017 in Berlin focussed on accelerating the implementation of the National Action Plan.

Further Informations


German National Action Plan on ESD

The Global Action Programme on ESD in Germany

GAP implementation structures in Germany