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Global Action Programme on ESD in Germany

In 2015 the starting signal for the UNESCO World Action Program for Education for Sustainable Development was given. The five-year program (2015 to 2019) aimed among other things to systematically change the education system in the long term.

The UNESCO Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) sought to generate and scale-up concrete actions in ESD. It made a substantial contribution to the Agenda 2030 process. The GAP was the follow up to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005 to 2014).

In 2020 the UNESCO launched the new program: Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs" – short "ESD for 2030".

The German Federal Government took part in the GAP and attached considerable political importance to its national implementation. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research had taken the lead on national GAP implementation. It is also a key partner of UNESCO to promote GAP implementation globally.

The Web Portal Education for Sustainable Development ( provides information about German ESD activities and the Global Action Programmme.

Offering a comprehensive overview of themes and stakeholders, programmes, events and awards, it facilitates cooperation and networking at the national level. Furthermore, it provides international users with information on GAP implementation in Germany.

This website is a project of  the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and DLR Project Management Agency.

Impressions of the youcoN 2019
© Thomas Müller

Further Informations


GAP at

National GAP implementation

Members of GAP Partner Networks