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The digital introduction of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into Higher Education Teaching

We believe that educating students on the SDGs is very important for a broader and holistic understanding of the challenges we are facing currently to live more sustainably and better grasp the impact our actions have.

Poster with SDGs

We believe that educating students on the SDGs is very important for a broader and holistic understanding of the challenges we are facing currently to live more sustainably and better grasp the impact our actions have. Yet, as a professor, we also see that there is not always the time to include this topic in individual teaching. Therefore, we set up our toolbox “The digital introduction of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into Higher Education Teaching“, which includes eight modules with teaching materials to flexibly integrate the SDGs into university teaching. We also hope to inspire lecturers to act as multipliers for their students.

The material was designed for lecturers, teachers and tutors from all disciplines who are interested in acquiring a good general understanding of the SDGs so as to be able to include the topic in their lectures. It does not only focus on the facts, but also fosters the development of interdisciplinary knowledge and stimulates the learning environment through texts, images, and illustrative material that is created to enable a clearly structured teaching-learning process in the courses. Thus, teachers act as multipliers, informing students from various disciplines about the SDGs and encouraging them to take a closer look at the sustainability goals of the United Nations (UN). The toolbox was funded by the Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU), and can be found here.

After a quick registration you will not only have open access to the materials (OER), but it also allows for further processing and wider distribution of the materials.

The 8 modules cover the following 8 of the 17 SDGs:

Module 1: SDG 3 (good health and well-being)

Module 2: SDG 4 (quality education)

Module 3: SDG 5 (gender equality)

Module 4: SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy)

Module 5: SDG 13 (climate action)

Module 6: SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation)

Module 7: SDG 12 (sustainable consumption and production)

Module 8: SDG 14 (life below water)