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The Eco-Social University Days

The Eco-Social University (ESUD) are an event series with a focus theme at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU), held annually. 

Group with persons
© J.Kloss

The Eco-Social University (ESUD) are an event series with a focus theme at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU), held annually. The aim of the ESUD is to create theoretical and practical problem solving knowledge, i.e. to sensitize and raise awareness about various aspects of sustainable development and the major global challenges. Due to the almost continuous presence in the media, many people already have a broad knowledge of the environmental and societal challenges. Therefore, the event series aims to show options and offer support on how this knowledge can be translated into practical action. Support and a forum for networking with other committed people is offered to those who are already taking action, for example in a socially engaged group. Since students and employees of the OVGU are a mayor target group, the ESUD can make an important contribution to the sustainability of the university. However, all citizens, as well as decision-makers from business, politics and administration are also addressed and activated by the events.

The ESUD were organized for the first time in 2014. In most years, it was possible to hold the (ESUD) during the European Sustainability Week and later also with the Long Week of Sustainability in Magdeburg, in order to use synergies and to draw even more attention to the topic of sustainability. Events within the framework of the ESUD are held annually on a specific topic. Collectively, a theme or Sustainable Development Goals will be selected to give the ESUD a framing and focus. Individuals or groups organize events around this theme or SDGs: Panel discussions, lectures, seminars, workshops, readings, film screenings, concerts, cooking classes, city tours, etcetera.

Over the past eight years, many people have been reached. The transdisciplinary and great diversity of the committed people in the ESUD organization team manage to fill the abstract topic of sustainability with content and to carry the complexity into society with creative ideas and in a motivating way. This is also evident in the steadily increasing number of events and active individuals, initiatives and associations at the ESUD. A good impression of the ESUD provides a video, which was created in the context of the 7th ESUD. The video can be viewed here (only in German).

Team & Cooperation

The bottom up organization team is mainly composed of students from different study programs of the OVGU and the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal. However, non-students, alumni and employees of the university are also part of the group. In addition, we receive support for organizational problems and tasks from the sustainability office of the OVGU. The sustainability office initiates the first meetings and brings together interested people. Apart from sustainability office’s staff, everyone works voluntarily, and there is also no CEP for students. The work is closely connected with regional sustainability initiatives (BUNDJugend , Aktion Agrar , Solawi Vielfeld , Erd-Charta , Otto pflanzt , FridaysForFuture Magdeburg , university groups ). Funding has so far been provided by various sponsors and supporters: Stiftung Umwelt und Natur- und Klimaschutz of Saxony-Anhalt, student councils and student representatives. Especially through the established account on Facebook and Instagram, potential visitors be engaged. In advance to the events it is possible to a) raise awareness of the topic b) make the local structures visible and c) promote the events and make the website better known. Posters, banners, newspaper ads, press releases and cooperation’s with student media projects (radio, journalism) complete the public relations work.

Activities & Measures: 2014 to 2021

In the following, all ESUD with their topics and activities are briefly presented and a link to a more detailed report of the respective year is provided.

City without Oil (2014):

The first Eco-Social University Days took place in December and were organized as a two-day conference. They started with lectures and a panel discussion, guests included Prof. Dr. Dr. Rademacher (Faw/n Ulm), Ms. Pinzler (DIE ZEIT) and Prof. Dr. Knie (InnoZ). A market of possibilities took place, which gave scientists, associations and other stakeholders from university, economy, city and region a space to present themselves and to network. The second day was intensively filled with lectures and various workshops. In parallel sessions, four thematic blocks dealt with the topic `City without Oil`: Visionary Uni, Life and Culture, Economy and Supply, City and Mobility. For the workshops, regional partners, such as the Debate Club, Fablab or Greenpeace MD and supra-regional partners, such as Urbanophil e.V., netzwerk-n or Heinrich Böll Foundation were cooperated. The report with explanations of the individual events with photos can be found here [PDF extern 4,5 MB] (PDF, 4MB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

simply|self|made (2015):

In contrast to the first EcoSocial University Days, the 2015 event was held in the summer and during the European Sustainability Week. The conference format was abandoned. The title was intended to show the stronger connection to one's own actions and to be less prescriptive of a theme. Workshops were offered on Planned Obsolescence, Upcycling, and Repair, and presentations were given on extractivism, self-sufficiency, and coal mining. Successful formats from the previous year, such as the Market of Possibilities, were repeated, but new formats were also tried out (e.g. a Critical Mass). In addition, a concept for a sustainability office of the OVGU was presented and discussed at the first Sustainability Round Table, which laid the foundation for its establishment. The report with explanations of the individual events with photos can be found here [PDF extern 1,67 MB] (PDF, 1MB, File does not meet accessibility standards).

s[ustain]olution (2016):

At the third ESUD, the format of the action week was retained. Somewhat shortened, events took place over four days. The program was again characterized by workshops and lectures (Paech and Welzer), most of which had links to the topic of post-growth. The biggest innovation was the integration of the “Pappsatt Schnippeldisko” into the Market of Possibilities. There, not only initiatives and groups could be met, but also vegetables (unsaleable and leftovers from markets/discounters) were chopped together and professionally prepared by the team of a local vegan caterer. The event was also accompanied by a stage program, which culminated in a sustainability party at the end. The report with explanations of the individual events with photos can be found  here [PDF extern 2,63 MB].

Earth first (2017):

The fourth ESUD took place as part of the Long Week of Sustainability, a week of action in Saxony-Anhalt coordinated by the Future Network. In 2017, the events were bundled into three theme days. The first day was dedicated to the topic of consumption, with a focus on fashion and nutrition. The second day addressed aspects of the economy (start-ups, free trade, and advertising) and the third day global social justice. The Eco-Social University Days ended with the Sustainability Festival, an event that, similar to 2016, integrated a market of opportunities, a “Schnippeldisko” with a stage program, and a party. The report with explanations of the individual events with photos can be found at here [PDF extern 1,56 MB].

180° - IT´S U(r) TURN (2018):

The fifth ESUD were also integrated into the Long Week of Sustainability. Over six days, a wide variety of events took place dedicated to the necessary societal turnaround (by 180°) and the responsibility of individuals. In addition to lectures on climate change and climate policy (including Prof. Felix Ekardt), various discussion formats (perpsektive n) and workshops were held. At the very successful sustainability party, donations for almost 2000m² of bee pasture were collected. A running dinner, a meditation flash mob and a bicycle excursion completed the diverse event portfolio. The report with explanations of the individual events with photos can be found at here [PDF extern 1,72 MB].

#EarthToo. Empowering Climate (2019):

The team of the ESUD understands sustainability as a global and overall social task of the 21st century. The sixth ESUD dealt with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 5 - "Gender Justice" and No. 13 - "Climate Protection" as well as their possible intertwining and connection. In addition to a terrific party with the Female Hip Hop Bar, there were exciting workshops on critical masculinity. Lectures came among others from Urslua Rosen about intersex, furthermore there was a hike in the Harz Mountains or a quiz about gender & climate. The report with explanations of the individual events with photos can be found here [PDF extern 1,26 MB].

[re]thinking systems (2020):

Today, we are confronted with increasingly complex ecological, economic and social problems and conflicting goals. In digital formats such as workshops, discussions, readings, etc., participants in June addressed the question of what sustainable systems should look like and which systems are not functional today. The focus of the ESUD was on the Sustainable Development Goals No. 8 - "Decent Work and Economic Growth", No. 12 - "Sustainable Consumption and Production" and No. 13 - "Climate Protection Measures". Due to the pandemic, the main program of the ESUD took place in October and was combined with the Progressive Introductory Weeks. The report with explanations of the individual events with photos can be found here [PDF extern 2,23 MB].

Ottopia – Local Change for Global Chance (2021):

The ESUD 2021 aimed to look for ideas, provide input and facilitate an exchange at the local level on how we can shape a sustainable and viable life for all. The focus was on the three Sustainable Development Goals SDG No. 2 - "No Hunger," SDG No. 15 - "Life on Land," and SDG No. 11 - "Sustainable Cities and Communities." In addition to the questions of how to establish sustainable food and agriculture and a more efficient use of natural resources in Magdeburg, we would also like to focus on social issues. Particularly in the Capital of Culture process, questions have emerged: How can we create a sustainable culture and an appreciative togetherness? How can we overcome social problems as a community in the long term and promote exchange between the city and the universities? Information on the program is available here [PDF extern 1,28 MB].
